Queer Lit Readathon Days 2 and 3
Small Spoilers for Iceman: Thawing Out and How to be Ace
On Day 2 I reached my goal (see Day 1), and on Day 3 I rested.
I am feeling burned out by the hardship in How to be Ace, Freshwater, Carry the Ocean, Tonguebreaker, and She of the Mountains.
How to be Ace was meant to fill my "brings you joy" square. It's not, at least not yet. The art style is cute and the words are large and legible. But the main character is just suffering quietly without much agency, in a very relatable ace way, which is just making me glum about my own experience growing up ace. However, it should be a quick read and perhaps there will be a positive framing later on.
Oh, and there's a page that literally put aromanticism under the umbrella of asexuality. Face palm. --- Though on that note, I appreciate that the author made separate informational pages about once a chapter instead of trying to weave explanations into the story.
Day 4 (morning)
I started Day 4 off with continuing She of the Mountains which has shifted to more positive experiences by the midpoint. Unfortunately in audiobook format I'm not immediately catching the shifts between the mythology character, the narrator, and the narrator-as-character
Next I charged through the first half of Iceman: Thawing Out, which
I had planned to use Iceman: Thawing Out for my "m-spec" (multi spectrum) square, but Iceman is calling himself gay, and his ex-girlfriend has a line about shifting from "angry ex to concerned friend" once she heard he was gay and not out. There are several other points were it feels very clear Iceman is gay not bi (though to be fair I'm at 50%, but still I'd be very surprised if this turned around).
Soooooo, good thing I'm reading She of the Mountains! (which has a bi character)
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