Call for Submissions January 2021: Stories

It's time for the Carnival of Aros! 🎊

The Theme: Stories

Life is full of stories: the ones we tell ourselves, the ones we tell others, and the ones we are told. Stories shape perception, expectation, and the fabric of reality. Okay, I'm getting grandiose - the point is I love stories. I love stories so much I would rather talk about how they work than write them or read them 😂 . (I'm working on that.)

What is a story you want to tell? What is a story you no longer believe? What is a story you feel is harmful? What kind of story do you want to see?

Take this theme anywhere you want to go. Tell a story, real or fictional. Complain about a story, or a recurring theme in stories. Analyze the story line of a movie or fanfic or a podcast. Create an adoptable character sketch for another writer to use.

How to Participate

  1. Write a blog post (or any public digital content I can link to) related to the theme.
  2. Share the link in the comments or email me at


Monday February 1st, 10:00am CST. 

Tangent Alert: Aro Writing Awards

Yes, I did ask to host the Carnival of Aros in January so that I could promote the Aro Writing Awards 💚

The Aro Writing Awards celebrate works the aro community loves and provides a space for the aro community to share, read, and discuss the works they love. 

Nominate free online works relevant to the aro community through January 4th, 2021 (and possibly later). Community voting opens in February. Winners announced February 27th (the last day of Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week). 

See the requirements to volunteer to be a judge here.

More Links ~mwahaha~

Here's a list of places to find aro writing.

Check out AroWriMo happening this February.

Speaking of writing, you could write a letter asking your state to recognize Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week. TAAAP has more info here.

Note: I use aro to mean aromantic spectrum.


  1. Hi! Thank you so much for hosting this month. My contribution is here:

  2. Here's my first submission. I'm working on a second right now.

  3. Here's my second submission! i did not expect to go here with my second one but I kinda got pulled on a tangent from my original thought lol... Still working on a third one. ;)

  4. Finally finished my 3rd and final post! I could've gone to bed 3 hours ago but instead I powered through and kept writing it. I hope someone appreciates it lol.

  5. Great, great prompt. I'm Scoop if you need a name and here is my submission:


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