Queer Lit Readathon Day 5

Day 5

I had very specific goals for Day 5:
  • 36 pages of Tonguebreaker
  • 49 pages of Honor Girl and/or How to be Ace
  • 3.2 audiobook hours (less in real time) of Freshwater and/or Girls of Paper and Fire
  • 22 pages of Carry the Ocean
  • Daddy & Dada (picture book)
  • "A Vector Alphabet of Interstellar Travel" (short story)
I charged through many of them "first thing in the day" aka midnight to 2am. But didn't even scratch the more difficult goals of Tonguebreaker and Freshwater.

I had fun with such specific goals and want to try again, but this time with an eye for what didn't work yesterday. 

 Day 6 Goals

It's time for me to let go of Freshwater by Akwaeke Emezi. This book is not good for me. As much as I'd like to choose to be unaffected, that's not how mental health works. Akwaeke Emezi is one of the authors for the Books That Burn Queer Authors of Color 2021 reading challenge, but I can read the short story "Who is like God" instead. 

I was intimidated by the large page count goal for Tonguebreaker yesterday, so today I'm going to read it during a scheduled virtual focus session. 
  • "Once and Future King" (short story) by Jeanette Ng
  • 11:35 am - 12:35 pm reading Tonguebreaker
  • Chapter 4 of How to be Ace
  • Pass 50% of Iceman: Thawing Out
  • As much of Carry the Ocean as I want, AFTER the other goals


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